Full-length albums from Multimediakonsultit and Kivireki; Akim Color spices the mix with tight afro rhythms

A busy end of year here at Komitea. Because of some – ehm – logistical reasons, the first full-length album by Kivireki was delayed until now (it was originally supposed to come out already in the spring). Likewise the release of the fourth album by Multimediakonsultit relentlessly pushed through every deadline set (the first one was already in November 2019).

In the end, both albums were released almost simultaneously. But be that as it may, here they are now! You can find them on all digital music platforms. And below (which means Bandcamp):

As of now, the lp by Kivireki has already been reviewed at Desibeli.net (in Finnish). We are still waiting reactions to the long-cooked album by Multimediakonsultit (also in Finnish).

Btw, we hope you didn’t miss the single cut from the upcoming album by Akim Color. If so, you can still fix the mistake below. The song celebrates moments when you’re able to spend good time with your family and closest friends with some wine and good music. The song was recorded in Benin.